Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor

A lot of people still ask me about Hunger Games so I thought I would touch on that today. Filming the Hunger Games wasn't quite as grueling as being in the Games themselves. Instead of impending violence and death, we faced daily thunderstorms, wild bears, and poison ivy.  (Well the poison ivy was primarily just me....unfortunately)

We shot the District 12 scenes at Katniss's house the first couple days, and that's where I stumbled upon poison sumac. Until that day I had no idea such a thing as poison sumac existed and it wasn't until days later during the Reaping that I discovered I had it. (Or rather was covered in it) Needless to say, the reaping was just as miserable for me as it was for Katniss and Peeta. But a steroid shot later, and other steroid pills, and I was good to go!

The cast was incredible, and there's probably not a lot of movies where the majority of the cast is 25 and under. From practical jokes, and singing on set, to crazy golf carts, and never ending snacks, we all managed to have quite a bit of fun. 

Another funny story is one of my bosses was also named Monica and it took the crew 3 months to come up with nicknames for us. They ranged from:

Poison Ivy (that was Special Effect's name for me the entire shoot)
Itchy Monica (again poison ivy related...they wouldn't let me live that down!)
Monica Junior
Monica D.
Fun Size Monica
Little M
and finally the winner: Little Monica  and my boss was Big Monica.
(although she's just as small as I am, that's the one that stuck) haha

So those are some of my Hunger Games stories. Hope you enjoyed them because I probably won't go into detail again. I'll post some pictures, and that'll be the end of the Hunger Games. 

Oh and as a side note, you can now follow my blog through email notifications. Just look to the right sidebar and you can enter your email if you want too. 

Stand By and Stay tuned, there's more to come. Happy Hunger Games!

My mother also wanted me to point out that because of this movie, I have left my first legacy to the world.   :)

1 comment:

  1. But you didn't even mention Woody's fun side! :) :0 Maybe everyone already knows he is a fun guy.

