Monday, May 7, 2012

Concept or Reality

"Either we have our dreams, or we live our dreams."

I believe in that quote because I feel that it's the simplest form of truth. Every day we make choices in our life. Mine usually consist of how many cups of coffee do I have today? Or how many cookies? Regardless of our choices, why not also choose to follow our dreams. (After a few cups of coffee and maybe a couple cookies).

When I was fourteen years old I was at a sleepover at a friends house. We watched a silly romantic comedy that night that I had never seen before, but it was that night, right after that movie, that I fell in love  with film. It was the movie that started everything for me. While it was definitely not an oscar winning film, I was captivated by the story, and the pure magic of movie making. I wanted to know how it all worked. About the cast, where they filmed, how they made the movie, and thousands of other questions I immediately looked up the answers too. I know everyone isn't as lucky to figure out what they want to do with their life at fourteen, but if you have a moment like that, where everything falls into place, listen to it. Unless you really feel that an entire chocolate cake is calling to you....that's when I wouldn't listen to that inner voice of yours.

I'm still continuing my journey, but sometimes on a hard day when I'm frustrated, I stop for a moment and look back on what I've done so far. I almost can't believe how far I've already come. Don't just dream, dream big for yourself. Unless you dream of being a super hero, and while I encourage that, it is setting the bar a little high for the rest of us...

I know I've made the right choice, because in the last year I had the pleasure and opportunity of working with the propmaster who also worked on that movie I fell in love with at fourteen. To me, it was a sign that I am heading in the right direction. The funniest part of the story is when I told her that movie was my favorite movie, and its what got me into film, she looked me right in the eye and said, "Hmm you need to watch more movies then."

That still makes me laugh really hard even today. So that's what I'll leave you with. And in case you're still wondering, and dying of curiosity, the movie I fell in love with at fourteen, was Miss Congeniality.

Stand by and Stay tuned, there's more to come. Keep dreaming.

1 comment:

  1. I knew what movie it was! I admire and an encouraged by what you're doing, Monica. I'll definitely look forward to seeing some of your life through this blog!

