Thursday, May 17, 2012


Look at us, running around. Always rushed, always late. I guess that's why they call it the human race. What we crave most in this world is connection.

Connection with other people, with loved ones, family, and friends. Connection with what we are doing in life, our duties, responsibilities, and achieving the goals we established for ourselves. Connection with the world around us. The sunrise, and sunset each day, the breeze that softly crosses your face. So much of who we are is part of a connection.  

We rush around so much of the time  that we forget to see what's around us. We forget to see the beauty in life, the wonder of it. I am guilty of it too sometimes. Lately I've been trying to stop more, take a breath and see what's around me. Connect with the Earth, and this world, and all the people that are around me each and every day. And you know what? Now that I've made myself aware of my surroundings and what I do during my day, I started to see the most amazing things. 

I see the flowers that are blooming, radiant with color, and the sun brightening up everything around me. I see the ocean water dance and sparkle, and I feel the breeze around me. I see a mother helping her child, and a husband putting his arm around his wife. I see a newborn baby mesmerized by everything around them. We should remember to be mesmerized too sometimes. Not all the time of course, that might be creepy, but we should remember to stop and take a look and see the beauty in life. I encourage all of you to try and see if it makes a difference, because I truly think it will.

Look at us, running around, always rushed, always late. Guess that's why they call it the human race. But sometimes it slows down just enough for all the pieces to fall into place. Fate works its magic. And you're connected to someone else.

Every once in awhile amid all the randomness, something unexpected happens and it pushes us all forward. And the truth is, what I'm starting to think,  and what I'm starting to feel, is that maybe the human race isn't a race at all.

Stand By and Stay Tuned, there's more to come.

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