Sunday, August 26, 2012

What Matters Most

What I've come to find in life, and in my life especially, is that the people you surround yourself with make all the difference. They comfort, they amuse, they support, they listen, but most importantly, they love unconditionally. I've learned the hard way which people to trust, which ones to befriend, and which ones are loyal. However,  I've also learned in my 24 years, that when you find the ones that matter, the ones that make all the difference, you cherish them and make sure they know how much they mean to you.

My family is always first and foremost with me. We're incredibly close and I would not be whole without them. I know they love me, and I love them, but I get enormous satisfaction in doing little things to make sure they know. Or even just to make them smile one more time that day. I have special little traditions with each one of them. I leave notes, I leave surprises, I send my Mom flowers without a reason, because she matters that much. You never need a reason, you never need an explanation for doing those little things. Even if they know it, it never hurts to remind them daily, weekly, monthly. Plan a surprise night out, go to dinner, go a play, plan an unexpected outing. They won't question it, they'll know you were thinking about them when you put it all together. My Dad keeps telling me that sending cards in the mail is going out of style these days, but I absolutely love sending cards. I do it all the time, just because I can.

Don't take for granted the ones that you have in your life that love you unconditionally. Sometimes in this day and age with all the technology and distractions available to us, we overlook what, and who we have in our lives. I may be guilty of it occasionally, but I've tried to fix it because I would be lost without my family, my best friends, my circle of people who I couldn't live without. They show me that I matter with the smallest things they do, so why not show them too? Because of the advances of technology and the world today, there's so much more you could do and plan. The possibilities are endless these days. Take advantage of that and do something special. Do it often, and do it because you want too.

I love sending flowers and cards to my Mom with no other reason then because I just want too. But even better then that, is the baffled phone call I get from her, asking why I send flowers, because I can hear the absolute joy in her voice. It's the least I can do for one of the most important people in my life. And if I weren't so far away,  I would be doing a lot more. What matters most in life is not what you achieve, but those who are standing next to you as your dreams come true.

So I hope I'm doing something for all of you and reminding you of the little things. And if anyone's wondering I like flowers too, or cards in the mail ;)

Stand By and Stay Tuned, there's more to come....

1 comment:

  1. This is so true, just thought of this last night. Be on the lookout for something coming your way. I stopped cleaning and decided to prepare something last night. Love you.

