Friday, May 6, 2016

A Letter to Agent Carter

As I keep waiting for the official word on the status of Agent Carter, I have realized something quite groundbreaking.

In this day and age, superheroes are a dime a dozen. But, what is still not as prevalent, is women. Women role models who are just as super as men. Women who are proud of their intelligence and bad assery and use it to fight the greater good. The greatest example I have of this, is Peggy Carter aka Hayley Atwell. I have an extraordinary amount of admiration for this woman.

She is everything we should strive to be. Determined, smart, motivated and strong. She doesn't shy away from a tough situation, she embraces it. She has been dealt a tough deck of cards in "life" and yet that doesn't slow her down. Believe me, I know she is fictional. But, as I sit here and write this, I have to wonder... Why is this type of woman fictional? Why doesn't this kind of woman exist in real life?

Peggy Carter shows us that it's ok to stand up for your beliefs. No matter who may question them.

It's ok to be classy and have strong ethics and morals. We need to use our wits, intelligence, strength and optimism no matter what life brings. Let that be our mission.

To be the people we were meant to be. To never shy away in the face of diversity or tough times. To move forward with our head held high, knowing that we are doing what is right and just.

Let's all be like Peggy Carter. And when life gets too serious, let's all have a good laugh like Hayley Atwell. Like I said before, this woman is extraorindary. She has brought so much light and joy into everyone's lives that it saddens me to think that Agent Carter may be no more.

But, for two incredible seasons, Peggy has been everything I want to be. She is a fighter, she is a high-class agent, she is smart, strong and most importantly, she is a badass woman.

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