Friday, May 6, 2016

A Letter to Agent Carter

As I keep waiting for the official word on the status of Agent Carter, I have realized something quite groundbreaking.

In this day and age, superheroes are a dime a dozen. But, what is still not as prevalent, is women. Women role models who are just as super as men. Women who are proud of their intelligence and bad assery and use it to fight the greater good. The greatest example I have of this, is Peggy Carter aka Hayley Atwell. I have an extraordinary amount of admiration for this woman.

She is everything we should strive to be. Determined, smart, motivated and strong. She doesn't shy away from a tough situation, she embraces it. She has been dealt a tough deck of cards in "life" and yet that doesn't slow her down. Believe me, I know she is fictional. But, as I sit here and write this, I have to wonder... Why is this type of woman fictional? Why doesn't this kind of woman exist in real life?

Peggy Carter shows us that it's ok to stand up for your beliefs. No matter who may question them.

It's ok to be classy and have strong ethics and morals. We need to use our wits, intelligence, strength and optimism no matter what life brings. Let that be our mission.

To be the people we were meant to be. To never shy away in the face of diversity or tough times. To move forward with our head held high, knowing that we are doing what is right and just.

Let's all be like Peggy Carter. And when life gets too serious, let's all have a good laugh like Hayley Atwell. Like I said before, this woman is extraorindary. She has brought so much light and joy into everyone's lives that it saddens me to think that Agent Carter may be no more.

But, for two incredible seasons, Peggy has been everything I want to be. She is a fighter, she is a high-class agent, she is smart, strong and most importantly, she is a badass woman.


"Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world."

Life is like a picture. A moving picture. It's a dance. It captures joy, sorrow, laughter, misery and love.  It captures those moments as a child that you may not remember as an adult. It captures those moments between your parents that you may not have paid attention to. It captures the generations of your family as the years and decades pass.

Photography is one of the most beautiful inventions this world has ever seen. It allows us a glimpse into countries on the other side of the globe. It allows us to travel back in time to see the historic events that shaped our nation. And, it captures those incredible moments we want to remember for a lifetime.

How do you want to be remembered? How will your photos be seen a 100 years from now? We may not all be in the spotlight. The whole world may not know our names. But, in those photographs we become legendary. Thanks to those photographs we leave behind a legacy.

Keep that in mind as you go about your day to day. Smile, laugh, remember all the reasons why you are blessed. Remember what you are thankful for. Hug your parents, your siblings, your friends and capture all the emotions that you experience. Because, one day, someone will see your photos and say, "My, how she lived."

Stand By and Stay Tuned, there's more to come...

Life Doesn't Always Turn Out the Way You Plan

A very wise actress in a very wise movie once said "Life doesn't always turn out the way you plan."
-Sandra Bullock, While you Were Sleeping.

Maybe everyone else doesn't find that movie very wise. But, sometimes the best advice comes when you least expect it. That's why I love that quote so much. It teaches you to always keep an open mind about life and to remember that sometimes the best things are completely unexpected.

Take my life for instance. A decent chunk of it has not gone as planned at all. And I am a planner. Always have been, always will be. But, even I cannot count for the unknown. However, I've learned that, it's ok, thanks to another one of my favorite quotes. "Have courage and be kind." That's Cinderella for you non-cinematic folks. The live action film of course. As I get older, and by older I mean 30 is approaching far more quickly than I'd like, I've realized that both those quotes are greatly significant.

I've worked in film industry.
I've moved across the country
I've moved back across the country
I've started my career over
I've fallen in love
I agreed to marry the love of my life
And still changes are coming. They never stop.

So the reminder for today is, have courage and be kind. Because, life doesn't always turn out the way you plan. You never know, your glass slipper could be right around the corner.

Stand By and Stay Tuned, there's more to come...

Monday, June 17, 2013

Take an Adventure

"It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves - in finding themselves."

The other day I was sitting at my computer and I started looking through my pictures over the years, and I couldn't believe how many adventures I have had. All the places I have been, the experiences I have had and all the wonderful people I have met along the way. I was surprised to rediscover so many wonderful memories.

A big part of my travels has always been with my family, and I remember thinking when I was younger that I could never travel on my own, because I would be to afraid to navigate around by myself. However, in the past 5 years of my life, I've lived in three different cities, including one that is on the other side of the country. The best part is, I moved out there all on my own. I am enormously proud of that, especially when I look back and realize I used to be afraid. There is a part of me that has grown tremendously from taking that leap and and I have made so many wonderful memories all on my own.

It is thrilling to look back and remember all the adventures.  The rolling hills of Austria, the Swiss Alps, the power of the Hollywood sign and the majestic Eiffel Tower. Or some of my absolute favorites, Venice, the sunrise on the beach in Charleston, and the time I worked alongside my favorite actress of all time. No matter where you go or what you do, if it is something you've never done before then it is an adventure.

It made me realize that we don't take enough time these days to go on any adventures. Whether it's somewhere close you have always wanted to go, across the ocean, or even across your own country, we need to take a moment and experience as much as we can.

Time is fleeting and we need to make the moments count. So take that drive you have always wanted to take, book that trip, and go have an adventure. You won't regret it and one day you'll be sitting at your computer looking through the pictures and you'll have the biggest smile on your face as you look back and remember.

Stand By and Stay Tuned, there's more to come.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My Inspiration

My last blog post was about my mother and how truly exceptional she is. She is my everything and I meant every word, but I realize now I need to also give some recognition to my other constant supporter. The one who is my absolute inspiration, pillar of strength, source of giggles, and the role model for the kind of man I want to marry one day. My dad, Tony D'Onofrio.

They say daughters quickly become their father's pride and joy almost immediately from birth, however according to my mother we have been twins since I was created. My personality, behavior traits, and most of my features all primarily come from my Dad. She even likes to joke that she had almost nothing to do with creating me because it seems like my Dad spit me out on his own.

To say he is the greatest man I know is not an understatement. My admiration and love for him are infinite. His kind hearted nature, tenacity, compassion, love of conversation, and outgoing personality are everything I strive to be. Not to mention his constant and endless support of me, my dreams, and my life. I honestly cannot stop praising his talents and who he is as a person. I could gush about him for days because I have learned over the years that it is incredibly hard to find another man who is as wonderful as he.

The film industry dreams I've had over the years are actually quite rare. It is a tough industry and definitely not for everyone. No matter what I wanted to do, or where it took me in life, my Dad was always there telling me to dream big. He was one step behind me constantly reminding me that the sky is the limit. I honestly cannot say how much that has meant to me over the years. To know that you are infinitely loved is a beautiful thing, but to know that you are infinitely loved and can pursue your dreams to your hearts desire is incredible. I knew he would be there if I ever failed. I knew he would be there if I ever stumbled. I know he is always there. That is what I am in awe of sometimes, and those are the moments when I know I am so incredibly blessed. He is always there for me. He is the most incredible man I know and I wanted to take a minute and acknowledge him as well. By yourself, you are my biggest inspiration, together with Mom, you both are my greatest joy and strength. Thank you for loving me, supporting me, and being there for me. I will do everything in my power to continue to make you proud.

Stand By and Stay Tuned, there's more to Come...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Mother's Love

“My mother... she is beautiful, softened at the edges and tempered with a spine of steel. I want to grow old and be like her.” 

Mothers are such an important part of our lives. When we are growing up, we do not realize how much our mothers impact our lives. Every decision, every situation, every moment somehow ends up coming back to what Mom would say. For myself, I have been extraordinarily blessed with my Mother. She's been there for the good times, and she's been there for the bad times. The times when I wouldn't listen, and the times when now I do. She is one of the permanent constants who has always been part of my life, and who is my ultimate cheerleader and supporter. For that and so much more, I love her more than infinity. 

Growing up, Mom's were always a bother. We didn't want to listen, we didn't want to do anything they would say, we didn't want to do chores, or homework, or go to the stupid dentist. We just wanted to live our lives the way we wanted to. So how funny is it, that now when I am living my own life away from my Mother, I somehow cannot make certain decisions without asking what she thinks. The irony is definitely not lost on me. In reality, now that I am older and wiser, (of course) I see how fantastic she is. She's strong, she's patient, she's kind, she's generous, and she is the smartest person I know. How did I miss all of that growing up? 

I hope for this Mother's Day, we all open our eyes a little more and see the person our Mom really is and how amazing they are. Every single day, I am grateful for my Mother and I cannot believe how blessed I am. I know I rebelled, argued, and fought constantly with her growing up, but I hope to make that up to her for the rest of my life. So thank you Mom for always being there for me, for teaching me, believing in me, listening to me, and supporting me. I hope when I become a Mother I am half as amazing as you are, because I have been given the best example. 

Happy Mother's day to my Mother, my best friend, and all the other Mother's out there. 

Stand By and Stay Tuned, there's more to come!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Life is a Dance

"Life is like dancing. If we have a big floor, many people will dance. Some will get angry when the rhythm changes. But life is changing all the time."

I am sure most of you have noticed, but there have been quite a few changes in my life during the past few months. Doors have opened, and doors have closed, big decisions were put in front of me, and I found myself conflicted. I was at a crossroads, and no matter how I looked at things, I couldn't seem to decide which was the right way to go. I know most of you have been in similar situations and I wish I had some words of wisdom for you when it comes to moments like that. All I can say is what worked for me, and what helped me make up my mind and find absolute peace, is I simply sat down and listened to my heart. 

Fast forwarding many months later, to right here in the present, I am sincerely amazed at how in that moment months ago when I didn't know what to do, my heart did. It knew what was waiting for me, if I just had the courage to trust it. A few months ago I was living in LA. The year I lived out there was a wonderful adventure. Many good things happened to me, and some bad things as well, but I was surrounded by people living and breathing the film industry and that was exhilarating to me. When they say LA is the city of dreams, they are not exaggerating. Everyone is a dreamer, including myself. The question is though, how long do you keep dreaming? What do you put yourself through to see that your dreams come true? To some, that may seem a little over dramatic, but to those who are part of the film industry, they know exactly what I mean. So when my parents called and told me they were moving to Switzerland for three years and asked if I wanted to come back across the country to house sit for them, I felt that I was failing myself and my dreams for even considering it. 

I went back and forth about it for months, driving everyone crazy with my indecision. I just could not decide which was the better choice for me. And then one day, everything suddenly made sense, and my decision was crystal clear. I don't know how many times in life we find ourselves in perfect harmony with our lives, but that's exactly how I felt. Suddenly I knew that coming back was the right choice, I didn't know why, but I knew that when I thought about it, I was at peace and I saw it with perfect clarity. 

So yes I am back on the East Coast now. I know most of you have been confused as to what's been going on with me lately so I thought I would let you know. I am so incredibly happy. I haven't given up on the film industry completely. Those who know me, know that I always have something up my sleeve, and indeed I do. Despite all the things I have gone through in the last few months, and all the decisions I have made, I truly believe that right now in my life, I am in the right place at the right time, and I am ready for whatever happens next. 

I wish you all have those moments of perfect clarity. Yes I am still having ups and downs but I know that everything will work out in the end. I haven't been good at updates lately, but I promise to be better at it and keep you involved with my stories and my life. Thank you for all your good thoughts, and love that you've sent my way, I sent it all back!

Stand By and Stay Tuned, there's more to come....

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